Friday, November 12, 2004

Kirby’s Thor
14x17, pastel with colored pencil and inks on bristol
Jack Kirby was a Genius. Even a watered down copy of his work looks cool. I was feeling down and out one day, wanted to draw something, but just did not know what to do. I picked up my beaten-up copy of an old Marvel Treasure Edition and decided to do the splash page from Thor #157 (from waaaay back in the day, the cover price was 12 cents). I always thought the Mangog was a cool-ass villain (obviously, the villain in this pic), seems that I am in the minority in this view. Oh well.
The figures are done in pen and ink with colored pencil. The background was quickly done in pastel. This picture was completed in about two hours and completely got me out of whatever malaise that I was in, but that was the point of this exercise.
 Posted by Hello

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